Tuesday, March 31, 2015

In sunshine...

 Mr Sweet Pants is a quiet sort of fellow at times.

 I find that he profile is baby-like

and the tail-puller finds his pants to be sweet and well-fitted.

 He prefers to look big, like a jungle cat

and I suppose that is how he is inside his kind little heart.

Augustus and I were keeping each other company that morning...

March ends today...may it be sunny for all.

Ciao everyone!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Our Ollie

Ollie ollie

Dear Friends,

Our precious Ollie was killed this morning, hit by a car.  We grieve his loss.  Spring is not spring-like  today and I suppose that is called life.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Cat boys took me through our woods...

It was March 14th and we were not thinking of the date for any particular reason, maybe only to fix a date on the warm space between us.

The surroundings were quiet, filled only and mostly with those sounds that cats hear.  The cat boys were in good form as evidenced by their walking together, and so I felt pleased.
An upward gaze and
a hop later
Mr Sweet Pants found himself perched on a high wall, where he would soon receive treats and disappear only to reappear from another side.
Mr Puffy Pants who had by now disappeared suddenly reappeared sliding
down the high wall like a magnificent lion.
When I looked behind me I found this precious jaguar
and then this one fallen in the dirt.
Up above I heard the tss tss of a hummingbird (green over green).
In this space, our make-do woods, we did not need to say much, only  breathe and listen.
Cat boys must have been making wishes during those moments because within a short span the catnip man arrived to spread cheers of catnip,
pull some tails,
and rub furry legs.
Mr Sweet Pants asked me to refer to him as "the one who walks with his shadow" as he remembered his Native American ancestors
while Orangey followed him and his shadow
with his beautiful and inquisitive eyes.
Saturday afternoon, the cat boys were napping together indoors.  Hallelujah!

Today, the cat boys read this to me...and I was very pleased.

How I go to the woods

Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single
friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore 

I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds 
or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of 
praying, as you no doubt have yours.  

Besides, when I am alone I can become invisible. I can sit
on the top of a dune as motionless as an uprise of weeds, 
until the foxes run by unconcerned. I can hear the almost
unhearable sound of the roses singing.

If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must love
you very much.” 

Cat boys wish you walks through the woods!

Ciao everyone!

Monday, March 9, 2015

What to do with one's fur day in and day out....

Ollie decided to show us how to adorn our hairs and furs if life got too boring...

Augustus did not want any part of this, and he thought his stripey fur needed no adornment.

Cat boys send love and best wishes...


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Early morning one day in March

Not all early mornings are created equal and every morning when we go out to check the neighborhood, our back yard, we go as if we are going there for the first time.

Usually Ollie and I go there first and then Gus joins us from the wall above.  Every morning he likes to go say hi to the neighbor across the wall, Pam.  I know he goes there because he smells like perfume and cigarettes.
This morning we were blessed with parrots again, a sight that I can never get enough of, and so there are a bunch of parrot photos in this post.

I love that they are so smart to go sit up high and bathe in the warming rays of the morning sun.

I love that they go from tree to tree with their squawks.  The pine tree looks like Christmas to me.

They are such big parrots.

Down below one intelligent cat has expertly camouflaged himself...that would be Mr Stripey of course.

Parrots again,
and parrot butts,
and sitting parrots.
Gingerella (Ollie) who both freaks readily and has to also make a get away without his brother noticing starts casually strolling away
making sure that our glances meet, and that means that you see where I am going.  Yes, I do.
I look out and the morning is in full swing.
The squirrel is watching.

I suppose I should share what us three discussed this morning, while the birds were squawking around us.

We thought about those things we consider to be the attributes of the soul (they would be like organs to the body), and they are:

1. perception
2. memory
3. imagination
4. abstraction
5. reason
6. judgement
7. consciousness
8. mental ability
9. will to act

The cat boys reviewed the list and decided that they were in a good place.  I wondered about #4 for them but they insisted they had it all covered.

We all wish you a delightful day and week.  Until next time...

Ciao from the cat boys!